Hao Lin, male, born in 1989, associate research fellow, master supervisor. He received his Ph.D. degree in Chemistry and Chemical Biology from McMaster University in November 2018. He joined College of Polymer Science and Engineering, Sichuan University as a full-time postdoctoral research fellow in July 2019 and was promoted to associate research fellow in June 2021. He is mainly engaged in visible light processing of photosensitive polymer materials, high performance and functionalization of polymer materials. So far, he has published 10 SCI papers as the first/corresponding author in high-level journals including Advanced Functional Materials, ACS Photonics, Advanced Optical Materials, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, and Polymer, etc., and has one patent application for invention. In recent years, as the project leader, he has undertaken one youth Science Fund project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, one general project of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, one interdisciplinary postdoctoral Innovation Start-up Fund project of Sichuan University, and one Outstanding Young Talents Project of State Key Laboratory of Polymer Materials Engineering. He has also participated in one key project of National Natural Science Foundation of China as the core member.
2013/01 − 2018/11 Ph.D., Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology, McMaster University, Canada
2008/09 − 2012/06 B.Sc., College of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University
2021/06 – present Permanent staff, State Key Laboratory of Polymer Materials Engineering, Sichuan University
2021/06 – present Associate Researcher, College of Polymer Science and Engineering, Sichuan University
2019/07 – 2021/06 Assistant Researcher, College of Polymer Science and Engineering, Sichuan University
Optically functional polymer materials
Polymer materials processing
High performance and functionalization of polymer materials
Address: College of Polymer Science and Engineering, Sichuan University, No.24 South Section 1, Yihuan Road, Chengdu 610065, Sichuan Province, P. R. China
Phone: 028-85400211
Email: linh2019@scu.edu.cn
1. Qiu-Yang Wei†, Hao Lin†, Biao Yang, Lei Li, Liang-Qing Zhang, Hua-Dong Huang, Gan-Ji Zhong*, Ling Xu*, and Zhong-Ming Li. Structure and Properties of All-Cellulose Composites Prepared by Controlling the Dissolution Temperature of a NaOH/Urea Solvent. Industrial Engineering & Chemistry Research 2020, 59, 10428–10435. (Impact Factor: 3.573)
2. Hao Lin, Kathryn A. Benincasa, Cecile Fradine, Kalaichelvi Saravanamuttu*. Shaping LED beams with Radially Distributed Waveguide Encoded Lattices. Advanced Optical Materials 2019, 7(11), 1801487. (Impact Factor: 8.286)
3. Hao Lin, Saeid Biria, Fu-Hao Chen, Ian D. Hosein*, Kalaichelvi Saravanamuttu*. Waveguide-imprinted slim polymer films: beam steering coatings for solar cells. ACS Photonics 2019, 6(4), 878–885. (Impact Factor: 6.864)
4. Hao Lin, Ian D. Hosein, Kathryn A. Benincasa, Kalaichelvi Saravanamuttu*. A slim film with seamless panoramic fields of view: the radially distributed waveguide encoded lattice (RDWEL). Advanced Optical Materials 2019, 7(5), 1801091. (Impact Factor: 8.286)
5. Ian D. Hosein†, Hao Lin†, Kathryn A. Benincasa, Dinesh K. Basker, Michael A. Brook, Kalaichelvi Saravanamuttu*. Waveguide encoded lattices (WELs): slim polymer films with panoramic fields of view (FOV) and multiple imaging functionality. Advanced Functional Materials 2017, 27(40), 1702242. (Impact Factor: 16.836)
6. Hao Lin, Yong-Cheng Dai, Xi Chen, Qiu-Ying Huang, Ke-Zhi Wang*. Preparation and electrochemical and photo-electrochemical properties of a covalently self-assembled monolayer film based on a bis-terpyridyl ruthenium (II) complex. Thin Solid Films 2013, 542, 251–256. (Impact Factor: 2.030)
1. Chen, Y; Gao, X.-R.; Huang, H.-D.; Xu, L.; Ji, Xu; Zhong, G.-J.*; Lin, H.*; Li, Z.-M. Superhydrophobic, self-Cleaning, and robust properties of oriented polylactide imparted by surface structuring. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2021, 9(18), 6296-6304.
2. Ren, J.-Y.; Yang, S.-G.; Li Y.; Lei, J.; Huang, H.-D.; Pan, M.-W.; Lin, H.*; Zhong, G.-J.*; Li, Z.-M. Coupling effect of pressure and flow fields on the crystallization of poly (vinylidene fluoride)/poly (methyl methacrylate) miscible blends. Polymer 2021, 220, 123565.
3. Gao, P.-P.; Zhou, Z.-H.; Yang, B.; Ji, X.; Pan, M.-W.; Tang, J.-H.; Lin, H.*; Zhong, G.-J.*; Li, Z.-M. Structural regulation of poly(urea-formaldehyde) microcapsules containing lube base oil and their thermal properties. Progress in Organic Coatings 2021, 150, 105990.
4. Wei, Q.-Y.#; Lin, H.#; Yang, B.; Li, L.; Zhang, L.-Q.; Huang, H.-D.; Zhong, G.-J.; Xu, L.; Li, Z.-M. Structure and properties of All-Cellulose Composites Prepared by Controlling the Dissolution Temperature of a NaOH/Urea Solvent. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2020, 59(22), 10418-10425.
5. Lin, H.; Hosein, I. D.; Benincasa, K. A.; Saravanamuttu, K.*. A slim film with seamless panoramic fields of view: the radially distributed waveguide encoded lattice (RDWEL). Advanced Optical Materials 2019, 7(5), 1801091.
6. Lin, H.; Biria, S.; Chen, F.-H.; Hosein, I. D.*; Saravanamuttu, K.*. Waveguide- imprinted slim polymer films: beam steering coatings for solar cells. ACS Photonics 2019, 6(4), 878-885.
7. Lin, H.; Benincasa, K. A.; Fradin, C.; Saravanamuttu, K.*. Shaping LED beams with radially distributed waveguide encoded lattices (RDWELs). Advanced Optical Materials 2019, 7(11), 1801487.
8. Hosein, I. D.#; Lin, H.#; Ponte, M. R.; Basker, D. K.; Brook, M. A.; Saravanamuttu, K.*. Waveguide encoded lattices (WELs): slim polymer films with panoramic fields of view (FOV) and multiple imaging functionality. Advanced Functional Materials 2017, 27(40), 1702242.